2020 ShanghaiTech Summer Lab for International Students

ON2018-12-04TAG: ShanghaiTech UniversityCATEGORY: Summer Research Program

ShanghaiTech invites outstanding undergraduate students from partner institutions to do summer research in its faculty labs, which provides a unique opportunity for international students to gain first-hand experience of doing research in a newly-established Chinese university while enjoying exploring vibrant Shanghai. The 2020 ShanghaiTech Summer Lab runs from July 6th for six weeks or eight weeks.

We offer two options of duration:
Six-week session: 2020 July 6
th to August 14th
Eight-week session: 2020 June 6th to August 28th


How to Apply

Please fill in the Visiting Student Application and submit the following documents to the coordinator of your home university:
1. resume
2. statement of purpose

3. one letter of commendation from a faculty

The coordinator will then send the applicants list to ShanghaiTech.

- You may be approached for Skype interview if ShanghaiTech faculty deem necessary. 

- You will receive an acceptance letter via email. Your coordinator will also be informed.

- You will have about one week to accept the offer. An official invitation letter for visa will be sent once you confirm your acceptance. 

- Application deadline: March 27th, 2020


To be accepted to the 2020 ShanghaiTech Summer Lab, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You should be a current undergraduate student enrolled at a ShanghaiTech partner university

  • You should have finished at least one academic year at your home university

  • GPA at least 3.0


All participating students are required to apply for student visa from the Chinese consulate in your home country. For students who will be studying in China for less than 180 days, usually you will be given single-entry X2 visa.


In order to assure the safety of international students during their stay here, and according to the regulations issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education, international students are requested to purchase mandatory Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China before entering the university. The insurance fee is about 240 RMB for 2 months. Office of International Affairs will inform students of the detailed information.

Fees, Accommodation and Other Information

Registration Fee

For 2020 ShanghaiTech Summer Lab, the registration fee is waived for students from partner universities.


- Participants will be accommodated in on-campus undergraduate dormitories.

- Housing will be allocated by Office of General Services on a random basis. In most instances, you will share a room with one or two other students.

- All our dormitory buildings are air-conditioned. In each building, there are common rooms on the first floor and a public laundry room. Inside each room, there is a small shower room and shared restrooms are in the corridor of each floor. There are no kitchen facilities inside the building, but microwave oven and refrigerator are provided for public use. 

- Accommodation fee for six-week session is 150 USD, for eight-week session is 200 USD

On-Campus Dining

The university canteens serve Chinese and western food, 3 meals a day. Meals can be purchased using rechargeable campus card.

Cancellation and Refund

If you wish to withdraw from 2020 ShanghaiTech Summer Lab, please inform the contact person of Office of International Affairs before June (inclusive). 

Cultural Tour/Industrial Trip
Office of International Affairs will organize a free cultural tour to a heritage town near Shanghai or take visiting students to start-ups and transnational corporations in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park. All program participants are welcome to join.  

Certificate of Completion

Participating students who successfully complete summer research will be given a certificate of completion from ShanghaiTech University.


Contact person: LIU Wenhuan, Office of International Affairs, liuwh@shanghaitech.edu.cn

2020 Summer Lab Openings - updated.xlsx

2020 ShanghaiTech Summer Research Project Plans.pdf